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My practice began in Los Angeles, California  1991:

Baron Baptiste - Bikram yoga

Hayward Coleman - Sivananda + Ashtanga yoga, pranayamas and kriyas. 

Anna Forrest - Forrest yoga

Erich Schiffman - Schiffman yoga - Moving into Stillness

Lisa Walford - Iyengar yoga

Maty Ezraty - Ashtanga + Iyengar yoga

Aadil Palkhivala - Iyengar yoga 

Shandor Remete - Shadow yoga

Rod Stryker - Vinyasa + Tantra yoga

Dharma Mittra - Dharma + Ashtanga yoga 

Yogi Bhajan - Kundalini yoga

Chuck Miller - Ashtanga yoga

Tim Miller - Ashtanga yoga

Dena Ginsburg - Ashtanga yoga

Richard Freeman - Ashtanga yoga

Annie Pace - Ashtanga yoga

Greame Northfield - Ashtanga yoga

Guruji Sri K. Pattabhi Jois + Sharath Jois - Ashtanga yoga

Sri Swami Bua - Hatha Vinyasa yoga

YogaWorks Teacher Trainings Certification Courses

1. 1993 Iyengar + Vinyasa training - Lisa Walford + Rod Stryker 

2. 1994 Krishnamurti Schiffman training - Erich Schiffman

3. 1995 Iyengar + Ashtanga training - Lisa Walford + Maty Ezraty  

Received the Guru's blessing

2000 Ashtanga - Guruji Sri K. Pattabhi Jois - Authorized

2002 Dharma Ashtanga Style - Sri Dharma mittra - Certified

2003 Hatha Vinyasa Style  - Sri Swami Bua - Certified

My teaching began in Los Angeles California 1993​

1993 - 1996 Hatha Vinyasa Yoga - Various Gyms + dance studios Los Angeles CA. 

1994 Vinyasa yoga Forrest Yoga Circle Santa Monica Ca.

1994-96  Initiated Corporate Vinyasa Program at Mgm Plaza for Johnson + Johnson Co. Santa Monica Ca.

1994 - 95 Initiated Yoga Therapy for Dr Vikki Hufnagel at the Hufnagel Womens Clinic in Beverly Hills, Ca,

1995 Ashtanga Mysore style - assisted Maty Ezraty YogaWorks. Santa Monica Ca.

1995 -96  Ashtanga Prep + Vinyasa  Dragon Yoga Studio Venice Ca.

1996-97 Ashtanga Yoga  Synergy Yoga center Miami Beach Fl. 

1997 - 2006 Director of AshtangaYoga - Shakti Yoga Loft Miami Beach Fl. 

1998 - Present Ashtanga Plus Yoga Intensive Teacher Trainings

2006 -08 Director of Ashtanga Yoga - Brownes + Co. Yoga Studio Miami Beach Fl. 

2006 -08  Director of Ashtanga Yoga - the Standard Hotel + Spa Miami Beach Fl. 

Wayne Krassner
Master of Yoga Asana, Vinyasa, Pranayama, Meditation and Thai Yoga Massage

Wayne's journey through a life centered around movement, stillness, and spiritual growth is truly inspiring. From his early involvement in sports and physical activities to his transition into vegetarianism, yoga, Qi Gong, and Tai Chi, he has constantly sought ways to align his mind and body.

What's particularly fascinating is Wayne's exploration of meditation, initially as a young boy, and later, his deep immersion in various practices like Kabbalah, Buddhist and Yogic principles. His creation of the "Expanding Love Consciousness" technique is a testament to his commitment to sharing the benefits of meditation with others.

Wayne's daily yoga practice reflects his dedication to personal growth and inner peace, not only for himself but for fostering harmony with others and the natural world. As both a practitioner and a teacher, he sees yoga as a means to transcend limitations and enhance physical and mental capabilities.

Having trained with numerous 'masters' in different yoga styles since 1991, Wayne's open-minded approach highlights the value he finds in each tradition, embodying the essence of a true yogi on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and growth.

Wayne's contributions to the world of yoga are insipiring.

In 1997, he created the first Ashtanga yoga primary series photo poster with an accompanying audio CD, providing a valuable resource for practitioners.

The following year, in 1998, Wayne took his dedication to yoga to the next level by opening Shakti Yoga Loft, Florida's first official Ashtanga Yoga school, located in Miami Beach. This venture not only expanded the reach of this powerful practice but also attracted an impressive array of celebrity clients, including Madonna, Sylvester Stallone, Courtney Love, Lenny Kravitz, Goldie Hawn, William Orbit, Desmond Child, as well as professional athletes, politicians, and corporate executives.

Testimonials from Wayne's students speak volumes about his expertise and teaching style. They describe him as extremely knowledgeable, compassionate, and the "real deal." Wayne's noble and experienced approach to sharing his love and passion for yoga inspires his students and ignites within them the desire to learn and grow. 

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